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Thais Morresi

Thais Morresi has had a solid track career in the film production department, working for several companies, such as O2 Filmes, RT Features, Preta Portê Filmes, Paranoid BR, Cinefilm, Boulevard Filmes, Tangerina Entretenimento, Fábrica Brasileira de Imagem, Grafo Audiovisual, Querosene Filmes, Floresta Produções, Loma Filmes, and others. She has produced projects for several channels, such as HBO Max, Netflix, Amazon and Disney+. She worked in the market as Production Director, Executive Producer and Assistant Director, directed the production of films such as “O Animal Cordial“, by Gabriela Amaral Almeida (2017), “Vaca Profana“, by René Guerra (2017) and signs the executive production in projects such as the series “Afronta“, directed by Juliana Vicente (2018), on Netflix. She was born in Guarulhos – a city in Greater São Paulo area – and she has a degree in Communications and 11 years of experience. She has worked on TV and especially in the cinema. She was the head of the workshop “Mulheres Negras, Projeto de Mundo“, conceived by filmmaker Day Rodrigues, and also took part of the selection committee for the course “Uma Jornada Própria: Mulheres e Arquétipos no audiovisual” (A Journey of its Own: Women and Archetypes in the audiovisual), leaded by Ruth Goldberg, Ph.D, associate professor of films and media studies at the NY State University, offered by Coletivo Vermelha. Her interests also including psychoanalysis and a passion for hip hop. She believes in new ways to produce and making cinema viable, always considering a comprehensive, democratic and racialized perspective – she believes in people and in the power of transforming relationships.